Groups and Families of the Periodic Table Reading


Students get a better understanding of periods and groups of the periodic table, without over-complicating it!

Grades 7 and Up

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Students get a better understanding of trends in periods and groups of the periodic table, without over-complicating it! This activity is meant to be an INTRODUCTION to periodic trends, not an in-depth look at each family.

PRINT and DIGITAL options included!

In this activity, students will:

  • READ about how the periodic table is set up based on the properties of elements. Students will also learn that element period numbers tell us the number of energy levels and element group numbers tell us the number of valence electrons.
  • ANSWER text-dependent reading comprehension questions – no prior knowledge required.
  • MAKE CLAIMS BASED ON EVIDENCE. Students are guided to make 3 simple claims based on evidence from group and period numbers. They will be able to do this from the information in the text.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This resource is NOT designed to teach the specifics of each element family. The intent of this resource is to give kids an understanding of the patterns that occur within the periodic table (periodicity).

Teacher Notes:


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