Holiday Science Fun Facts Article and Worksheet Bundle

$19.95 SAVE BIG on a set of HOLIDAY SCIENCE fun!

Students read a holiday-themed science fun facts article and learn the science behind them. Every resource includes both print and Google Slides versions!


  • Halloween
  • Thanksgiving
  • Winter/Christmas (snow facts)
  • Valentine’s Day
  • St. Patrick’s Day

In each activity, students will:

  • READ an engaging article with funny and interesting holiday-themed facts and the science that explains them.
  • ANSWER text-dependent reading comprehension questions. No prior knowledge is required – all the information needed to answer the questions comes from the text.

For example, did you know?

  • From Halloween Science Facts: Decorator crabs wear costumes, too! They dress themselves in materials from their surroundings to camouflage themselves.
  • From Thanksgiving Science Facts: Paleontologists refer to Thanksgiving as “Dinosaur Dissection Day” because birds are the closest relatives to theropods, two-legged dinosaurs.
  • From Snow Science Facts: The most people to ever participate in a snowball fight was 7681. Snowballs are considered kirn, a compacted ice.
  • From Valentine’s Day Science Facts: Humans aren’t the only creatures to give partners gifts. Many species of animals give their partners gifts, too!
  • From St. Patrick’s Day Science Facts: Ireland was once a part of two different continents until plate movements pushed them together.
  • Plus many, many more for each holiday!

Teacher Notes:

  • Answer keys are always included.
  • Please note: each science fun facts article in this bundle is not editable.
  • Despite being holiday-related, these resources do not include any religious references and are suitable for public schools.
  • Go paperless! Use the included digital Google Slides versions!
  • Find all of our holiday science resources HERE!
  • You can also shop our TPT store!


Grade Levels: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 No NGSS standards assigned.