Earth’s Seasons Activity: Create a Diagram

This Earth’s seasons activity challenges students to create THEIR OWN scientific diagram and answer analysis questions related to it. Perfect to add rigor to your seasons unit – this is NOT a worksheet coloring page! This resource addresses NGSS standards MS-ESS1-1 and HS-ESS1-4, as well as the “developing and using models” aspect of the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices.

⭐ Get this resource at a HUGE DISCOUNT in my complete SEASONS UNIT! ⭐

In this activity, students will:

  • Follow clear, step-by-step instructions to create an accurate drawing of Earth’s orbit around the sun. Each of the four seasons is represented with the proper axis tilt.
  • Answer analysis questions based on their diagram.

Supplies Needed:

  • Blank paper for each student
  • Colored pencils
  • Protractors (we’ve included a printable paper protractor)

Teacher Notes:

  • Please Note: This is as much an exercise in FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS IN TEXT as it is about seasons, so it can be a challenge for students. Many students struggle with this skill, so we have made the steps as clear as possible!
  • Includes an example of student work and an answer key.
  • Please note: this Earth’s seasons activity is not editable.
  • You can also shop our TPT store!

Related Standards:

  • NGSS MS-ESS1-1: Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses, and seasons.


Grade Levels: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 NGSS Standards: HS-ESS1-4, MS-ESS1-1

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