DNA Mutations Reading and Worksheet

This DNA mutations reading pairs perfectly with our DNA Mutations Activity!

Genetic mutations simplified to an INTRODUCTORY level – addresses NGSS MS-LS3-1 without overcomplicating it!

Plus, includes PRINT and GOOGLE SLIDES versions!

In this activity, students will:

  • READ the article “Mutant DNA”, an informational text that introduces them to DNA mutations.
  • COMPLETE a graphic organizer summarizing information in the text.
  • ANSWER 18 text-dependent questions.

Topics include:

  • Basics of how mutations occur
  • Mutations can be harmful, neutral, or beneficial
  • Specific examples of interesting beneficial and harmful mutations
  • A quick overview of how mutations drive natural selection

Teacher Notes:

  • We offer this resource in SPANISH HERE.
  • All topics are geared towards a middle-school audience, not high school biology.
  • Includes a printer-friendly version of the reading.  Or, GO PAPERLESS!  Use the included digital Google Slides version!
  • Please note: this DNA mutations reading is not editable.
  • Check out more resources in the DNA and heredity section of our shop!
  • You can also shop our TPT store!

Related Standards:

  • NGSS MS-LS3-1: Develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to genes located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may result in harmful, beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function of the organism.


Grade Levels: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 NGSS Standards: HS-LS3-1, HS-LS3-2, MS-LS3-1