DNA Mutations Activity

This DNA mutations activity pairs perfectly with our DNA Mutations Reading & Questions!

DNA mutation simulation simplified to a middle school level – fun, engaging, and standards-based. And, no supplies are needed!

PRINT and GOOGLE versions included!

This activity simplifies the DNA code and DNA mutations to a very basic level while illustrating that it just takes one little change to make a really different message. No knowledge of transcription, translation, or proteins is required. The instructions are clear and the explanations are simple – perfect for middle school students.

In this activity, students will:

  • “Decode” a non-mutated message into an English phrase. (The phrase itself is a clever saying about DNA.)
  • “Decode” a mutated segment of DNA. The new message says something entirely different, even though only a few DNA bases were off. (The mutated phrase pertains to mutations in DNA.)

NGSS Standard: MS-LS3-1

NGSS Science & Engineering Practice: Developing and using models

Teacher Notes:

  • Please note: This DNA mutations activity is NOT editable.
  • GO PAPERLESS!  Includes both print and Google Slides versions!

A Note About Color Printing: Color copies of the codon keys will be necessary. To limit the number of color copies need, we make one class set and then have pairs of students share the codon key and reuse them class-to-class and year-to-year. If you do not have color printing available to you, an alternative would be to project the codon key from your computer using a SmartBoard or a similar arrangement. The student sheets – the sheets students do their work on – DO NOT need to be color copied.

Related Standards:

  • NGSS MS-LS3-1: Develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to genes located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may result in harmful, beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function of the organism.


Grade Levels: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 NGSS Standard: MS-LS3-1