Elements Project: Discovery of Elements Timeline


⭐ Find this elements project at a BIG discount in our COMPLETE PERIODIC TABLE UNIT!

Two versions are provided – Version One requires students to research 25 elements (prompts provided) and Version Two gives them 25 pre-made element information cards. The only supplies necessary are copier paper, glue, and colored pencils.

Here’s the Process for Students:

  1. Research the elements (version 1) or cut out the pre-done element cards (version 2).
  2. Tape or glue together the provided timeline templates (5 – 8.5″x11″ sheets).
  3. Color code the 25 element boxes according to metal, nonmetal, or metalloid.
  4. Attach element boxes to the timeline.
  5. Enter the dates.
  6. Add pictures (provided) to each of the entries.

What’s Included: 25 Element Cards for students to complete (for Version One), 25 Pre-Made Element Cards (for Version Two), 25 Element Pictures, printable timeline templates, student instructions, and teacher notes.

Teacher Notes:

  • Check out our “done for you” COMPLETE PERIODIC TABLE UNIT!
  • NO COLOR PRINTING IS REQUIRED! The pictures look better in color, but still print fine in black and white. The information boxes are colored by students with colored pencils.
  • Please note that this resource is not editable.
  • A variety of elements from BCE times through 2009 are included. We aimed to include elements with stories that are particularly interesting or monumental.
  • You can also shop our TPT store!

Related Standards:

  • NGSS MS-PS1-1: Develop models to describe the atomic composition of simple molecules and extended structures.


NGSS Standards: HS-PS1-1, MS-PS1-1