Scientific Method UNIT

Includes everything you need to teach a full scientific method unit! Save more than 50% off list prices!

$37.99 50% OFF! This Scientific Method Unit Covers:

  • Steps of the Scientific Method (focus question, background research, hypothesis, controlled experiment, conclusion)
  • How to write good focus questions
  • Writing “If… Then…” hypotheses
  • Designing controlled experiments
  • Identifying independent and dependent variables; controls
  • Practice analyzing data
  • Forming conclusions and making claims from data
  • Claims-Evidence-Reasoning practice
  • How the Growth Mindset and the scientific method go hand-in-hand
  • Real-world science connections

This Complete Unit Includes the Following Lessons:

  1. *Notes Presentation with Fill-Ins Worksheet
  2. *Steps of the Scientific Method Worksheets (4)
  3. *Scientific Method Stations Activity – No Supplies Needed
  4. *Identifying Variables Practice Worksheet
  5. *Data Analysis & CER Practice Stations
  6. “Eye on the Problem” Scientific Method Hands-On Activity – No Prep
  7. Toilet Paper Lab – Super EASY Supplies
  8. *Scientific Method & the Growth Mindset Activity
  9. Scientific Method Assessment – Multiple Versions


  1. Scientific Method Citizen Science Project
  2. Science in the News Journal Prompts
  3. *School-Themed Hypotheses, Variables, & Experimental Design Practice
  4. *Dr. Jane C. Wright, Cancer Researcher Biography

* All starred resources include both print and Google Slides options to assign.

Teacher Notes:

  • All answer keys are included.
  • Please note: the PDF documents in this scientific method unit are not editable.
  • Many, but not all, of the included resources include a digital Google Slides option to assign.
  • You may be interested in checking out the scientific method section of the shop.
  • NGSS Science and Engineering Practice: Asking Questions and Defining Problems
  • You can also shop our TPT store!


Grade Levels: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 No NGSS standards assigned.