Category: Representation in Science

Native American Scientist Activities

Although November is Native American Heritage Month, I don't believe that really matters when it comes to teaching students about diverse scientists. Kids should routinely be seeing scientists from all different backgrounds in science class - no matter what the month is! In this post, I'll discuss some fun and easy Native American scientist activities to introduce your students to Indigenous scientists.

What Does a Scientist Look Like Activity

One of my biggest passions as a science educator is to ensure that my students see themselves represented in the scientists I highlight in my classroom. After a "What does a scientist look like?" activity, kids should know that the answer is THEM! They look like a scientist!

Honoring Black Scientists Activity

One of my biggest passions as a science educator is to ensure that my students see themselves represented in the scientists I present in my classroom. February, being Black History Month, is a great time to honor Black scientists... but it shouldn't start or end there! I use this Black scientists activity at the beginning of the year, right off the bat, when I teach the scientific method. Students are introduced to an important scientist and review the scientific process at the same time.