Category: Holidays and Fun

10 Science Movies for Middle School

It can often feel a little taboo to talk about showing movies in class. I'll see a teacher ask on a forum somewhere, "What are the best middle school science movies?" and the post will then be littered with a million teachers offering their opinion about how useless it is to show movies and how they would never do such thing. Well... I'm here to say... I show movies (and documentaries) in class sometimes. There! I said it!

3 NO PREP Halloween Science Activities

Maybe your classroom looks cool and calm this week before Halloween, but mine doesn't! It's the week that kids act like there's a full moon, no matter what the lunar phase is. Using no prep Halloween science activities helps to contain the crazy and keeps it easy on you! None of these no prep Halloween science activities even require copies. Are you ready to have some Halloween fun, but keep it science-y? Let's go!

Middle School Valentine’s Day Science

Sing it with me... 🎶 science and Valentine's Day, sittin' in a tree... k-i-s-s-i-n-g! 🎶 (Please tell me you know this reference or I am going to feel really old right now!) Yes, science and Valentine's Day are truly a match made in heaven. There are tons of connections you can make between Valentine's Day and your middle school science content - everything from human hearts (anatomy) to habitat destruction (ecology).

Holiday Game for Secondary Students

Looking for a holiday game for secondary students? Need something to do before Christmas break with your middle schoolers or high schoolers? Finding that most Christmas games are too "young" for your students? I have the perfect Christmas game for middle school and high school! Take a little breather from your day to try it out... my 2 Truths and a Lie game!

Thanksgiving Science Activity

During one Thanksgiving season, I had been giving a lot of thought to "the meaning of Thanksgiving" and wanted to somehow sneak it into a science lesson. I'd been feeling that kids are just less grateful these days. Perhaps it's social media, perhaps it's our materialistic society, or maybe its just me getting older and thinking the cliché "kids used to be different." Whatever its is, everyone can always use a little more gratitude in their life and I felt compelled to teach a lesson on being thankful.